Tilburg University

Current Research Projects

Sanjay Bissessur, Robin Litjens, Gaizka Ormazabal (2020) The Institutional Economics of Accounting Regulation: The Case of Public IFRS Enforcement in the European Union

Robin Litjens (2020) Investor Consultation of Field-Experts

Stephan Hollander, Robin Litjens (2020) Investor Information Acquisition Diversification

Working Papers and Publications

Ed deHaan, Alastair Lawrence, Robin Litjens (2019) Measurement Error in Dependent Variables in Accounting: Illustrations using Google Ticker Search and Simulations

Jihun Bae, Robin Litjens, Chul Park, Yachang Zeng (2019) Financial Journalism and Earnings Guidance

Robin Litjens, Jeroen Suijs (2019) An Empirical Demand - Supply Model of Proprietary Financial Information.

Robin Litjens, Rob Pinsker, Ferdy van Beest (2018) How Client Advocacy and a (Mis)Matched, Foreign Decision Environment Affect Auditor Judgment

Robin Litjens, Joost van Buuren, Ruud Vergoossen (2015) Addressing Information Needs to Reduce the Audit Expectation GAP: Evidence from Dutch Bankers, Audited Companies and Auditors

Robin Litjens, Sanjay Bissessur, Henk Langendijk, Ruud Vergoossen (2012) How do Preparers Perceive Cost and Benefits of IFRS for SMEs? Empirical Evidence from the Netherlands